A unique man a charismatic personality mourned by the Panhellenic and all Humanity A true Christian modest, temperate and beloved a philanthropist enemy of debauchery and in the face of all evil and intolerance A man of Love and Sobriety of charity and justice without drumbeats and boasting painted on his face was the Serenity of Anastasios of boundless Kindness brave and courageous he reached Uganda and will become a missionary his apostolic work is remembered by the natives forever malaria will not scare him nor difficulties will prevent him from promoting his work The Greek Orthodox spirit in the African country and the “Northern Epirus” would support an era that was in danger of extinction. A just man, a true Christian teacher, he was both a university student, a Piraeus native and adored in the “Olympiakos” An enemy of greed and a man of irreligion, his work was amazing in Albania, faced with lies and all debauchery. Anastasios was a huge National and Moral figure. Now it seems that he has emigrated to the Lord. How much his absence cost us and how poor we have become. Greeks and Albanians who supported him in every way are crying. Highly educated and honored by all domestic and foreign institutions, a deep connoisseur of Greek Philosophy and the fatherland. religion, they were worshipped. The Transmission Officer wore the emblem of Hermes, he was inventive, active and restrained, a friend of injustice and a rock of peace on earth, a patriot and a pillar of Greek Orthodox Christianity, a “volunteer-fighter” of the Nation in the most difficult part where crime and drugs reign and Ati, the bad-tempered horse, however, managed to tame it. Always faithful to his oath and to his homeland, Anastasios was the most beautiful ray of sunshine of Christianity and our Nation. A man of works and hard work. He built worthy institutions in Albania. Far from lies, thick words and the Adolescent. He promoted letters and books. God had the undivided blessing of our Nation. teacher will remainThe Greek Spirit to promote together with ChristianityAnastasios will forever live in our soulsa man of ours who shook our heartsHis sleep will forever be missed by usThe scene will meet the Heroes of the 40’Eternal memory of you, our old colleagueThe transmitters will honor you in our hearts and on our holidays (27/1/25)
Konstantinos Konstantinidis poet