Written by Konstantinos Konstantinidis Amphiktyon

 A government of greed, contempt for the people, bad lies, phobic syndromes, internal opposition, a peculiar group, empty, with few leaders and invisible people, they build beautiful palaces on the anger of the public, the Crime of Tempi was the last straw, now angry he left the couch and goes out into the streets on the pretext of the lies, and the unjust murders of Tempi, with unknown murderers. Enough of the tragedy of the post-government regime, of the unknown perpetrators, of the shame of politicians, of the folly, of the impunity of criminals, of the cowardice of leaders, of thieves, embezzlers and irresponsible administrators, of the contempt of the people and of insanity. The situation is no longer gathering where it has reached. The people have been spat upon and disgusted and now they want to empty them ALL together. What can they testify to? 1/ Our energy wealth that they have not exploited for years, the hydrocarbons that they have not mined? Has the German filled our beautiful mountains with “wind turbines” and the fields with photovoltaics in order to save money? And the poor Greek may live or move abroad, the illegal immigrant will easily replace him 2/ With their Turkic policy they have led us to servitude, they do not even dare to apply international law; should the X.Y and the EEZ expand so that the Turko-Mongols do not get angry? 3/ Every illegal immigrant enters and does not give an account because the system is oiled, and the country has become an open vineyard and now Pakistan and Bangladesh remind us and Turkey puts us to sleep 4/ Non-existent and the EU of Von der Leyen sells A/F and missiles to Turkey, France, Greece guards the veto on unsolicited and afraid never speaks against, so as not to embitter its “allies”. Turkey has rightly placed us on the “borders of its heart” and in the “neo-Ottoman divan”. 5/ Greece is in turmoil and insecure, from the domestic, Albanian and international mafia, it surrounds us like an octopus, no one is safe in the “Danishness”, the citizens are locked up and besieged, the rulers are complacent and the looters are gospels of joy 6/ Last but not least in poverty, the richest country with so many gifts, its leadership is to blame and the lack of justice, unequal distribution, waste and no one gives an account to the people. 7/ A country unilaterally dependent and isolated from some states, with another America tightly tied with a rope, with “Trumpism” it is unable to talk, our country has been excluded due to a “woke agenda”? With such people what to talk about? With its unrelenting enemy how to reconcile them? It will choose the flexible Turkey, since we also support it in every way to live long What to testify to them? “Cyprus is far away”, the Imia were not close, Macedonia was coldly betrayed, and the imposition of the Memoranda, the lies of the media networks, and at every event the “anarchists of the Exarchate” . The Metapolitefsi belongs to the past. It leaves unhealed wounds in Hellenism. The country demands a new Constitution, a Kapodistrian one. The people should decide and not the party dwarfs, the MPs, the porters and the ELIAMEP Turkish-speaking people. The People’s National Assembly, a new Constitution, should bring, of Direct Democracy, the country to stand on its feet, with referendums on substantive issues, as is happening in Switzerland, with the abolition of filth and ineffective power, of the ‘apart-party’ of ugliness and disaster, the position of the post-government belongs to the DUMP. A new era with a new perspective now begins. The people are not turning back and will move forward. Direct Democracy will be imposed and Kapodistrias will emerge. This time the people will decide and not the “self-righteous” constitutionalists and the few. The time has come for Hellenism everywhere to set out in unison (2/2/25)

* Amphiktyon Major General (retd) Konstantinos Konstantinidis

Author, Member of the Society of Greek Writers

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