Hero Domazo I liken you to a modern Hercules! of the stadiums the Soul of our era of the pedestrian the easygoing of the fans the beloved of the homeland the brave “general” of the ball you were the god of consistent character, fighter of the nightingale Moscholiou the chosen bright star of that Music felt awe before you and modesty two stars in the same bed and told you “Domazos I admire you I love you” and your two daughters A life full of action and in the end to “Oiti” like another Hercules you went to escape In those leap years ball was not played for the raptors Domazos(P), Boulis(O) and others played for the honor and the jersey of the team Zampetas-Moscholiou then sang, and the great Kazantzidis with Marinella Panathinaikos will not forget you no matter how much time passes because heroes never die they live with us they set an example for us and inspire us and they bring progress to the younger ones A renowned hero Domazos, you too have been ranked in the pantheon of heroes Panathinaikos “glorifies” you a stadium with your name is being planned your team is preparing something great Greek children in every discipline will imitate you they will fight hard to distinguish themselves just as you had done in your life and you deservedly won the honorable crown(25/1/25)

Konstantinos Konstantinidis Lieutenant General, former Poet

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