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Μετάφραση στα Εβραϊκά

From: Konstantinos Konstantinidis


Written by Konstantinos Konstantinidis Amfiktyon

 When guards become robbers, police accomplices with the mafia, CIT escorts steal money, agricultural subsidists commit fraud against farmers, when crime, robbery, fraud flares up and laws and justice are relaxed, then it seems that our society is seriously ill. But as the people say, the fish stinks from the head. The great irregularities are done in the mud away from the eyes of the world under the cover of the political system. But if virtue disappears from our society and the people are infected with wickedness, then this society is heading towards decay and destruction. Having said that, we should all talk. This article was intended for another purpose, but I now consider it topical

Virtue is a factor of well-being and longevity. Most centenarians were virtuous. Only through virtue will you find the true meaning of life, happiness and bliss. Only of virtue are conquests certain. Money at some point betrays you and leads you to exhausting stress Time does not erase memory and you will be happy if you grow old and keep your memory alive and not obscured by oblivion

Wealth is not only white silver and gold but also Virtue that shines. This is the great treasure that gives you vitality, intelligence, balance and optimism in life

Virtue is not lost with time, but increases and raises you to higher pedestals. It makes you immortal in a way, because Virtue lasts even after your death and you will be honored by the beneficiaries of your example. On the contrary, the bad guys and those who thought that money would make them happy were miserably laughed at and in the end they were led to perdition. So vain is the wealth that the soil or some heirs will Eat. But if the rich man has Virtue with him as his life partner, he will leave a magnificent institution for the good of his fellow human beings and his name will last forever. Whoever serves in good is ashamed to be called.

Virtue is taught to man as well as to an infant. And indeed, what everyone learns from a young age from his family and from school he keeps until old age. It is the most precious thing in the world because it does not enslave you, neither to money, nor to lawless glory, nor to lies, nor to the mob, but you remain the one who shines and gives spiritual and moral light.

According to Euripides, there are three virtues that every person must consistently observe

a/ honor the patron Gods,

b/ respect your parents who raised you and

c/ obey the laws of the State.

(This, of course, requires analysis, because if the laws come from undemocratic processes and are detrimental to the many and the homeland, then the third condition does not apply. Direct Democracy, when it works, gives laws of general application and acceptance and not in favor of the few and the rich.)

Free fits the Truth and people profess that Truth will bring them benefit. (Unfortunately, today we live in a world that distorts the truth or considers it reprehensible and promotes lies and unnatural pleasures. WOKE created a subversion of thousands of years of moral norms and imposed them by force with newcomers who are contrary to the nature of man and to the majority.)

A frantic life and excesses are harmful, while regular life gives the person longevity and bliss (Zero Agan and “Metron Ariston” are followed by all centenarians)

The treasure of Virtue is wisdom and soundness. Guard your soul as much as you can and don’t try to look like today’s thunderous “gas cans”, flatterers, brainless, impostors, rogues, and the like. The honest one does not hate his fellow man who has more wealth, a superior position or better children. Better for your body to suffer than for your soul, so try to compromise with yourself and not pretend to be someone else you admire by showing a false façade. The good man the superior power goes well. [I have seen this many times in my life and that is why I write that I have as an ally the three deities of fortune (Klotho, Lachesi) and especially Atropos who often did NOT make inevitable some very bad situations that I went through in life and came out safe and sound] Man’s morals and morals are not instantaneous, but are tested throughout his life over a long period of time.

Pythagoras’ golden epics say:;

1/ Learn to concentrate first of all from your belly, from sleep, lust and anger In wrath do not say or do. And never do anything bad alone or with someone else. Above all, respect yourself. Don’t be misled by money, think we’ll die one day. In the nature of money it is sometimes to acquire it and sometimes to lose it. But this is not the case with Virtue when you consistently experience it, you never lose it

2/ Keep your spirit awake because sleep is related to death (We are now sleeping with regard to Turkey and when we wake up it will be late)

3/ That you are not allowed to do not leave suspicions that you can do it (This for Foreign Minister Mr. Gerapetritis)

3/ You should look for a man, friends and children who will live after you. Obviously, give them your lights. (The Greeks stopped giving birth and the continuity of the genus is being cut off? )

4/Better to be strong in soul than in body (Today we consider nationalism the cultivation of the psychic gifts of the Greek)

5/ You don’t own what you don’t have in your mind (You have to dream about it to achieve it. See what the Turks dream of and how consistently they transmit it to the younger generations)

6/ Do great projects without trumpeting them as great (Society fairly records and judges everything in the long run)

7/ Raise children who will not care for you in the body, but will glorify you (Give them Values and do not ask for retribution)

8/ Prefer the difficult to the easy in order to forge Virtue

9/ You cannot walk many roads at the same time (Be both good and bad, and just and unjust, and so on.

10/ Every passion of the soul is the greatest enemy for its salvation (Keep your soul pure and do not pollute it with vices)

Hesiod said that in front of Virtue the gods put sweat, because money that comes without sweat does some injustice

The good should be praised and the bad should be lied to. In good things Virtue precedes while in bad Vice

Tripartite according to Plato the soul:

1/ The Virtue of the Reasonable: it is Prudence. It leads us to bliss

2/ The Virtue of the Emotional: Meekness and Bravery and

3/ The Virtue of the Desired: Prudence, Temperance but also Bravery (the defiance of death)

And of the whole soul is Justice, the tendency towards Freedom and Magnanimity. The virtue of the soul when it can suffer both happiness and misery, as well as honors and dishonor.

 Folly, on the contrary, is the defect and the cause of a miserable life

 Cowardice is a bad emotional flaw when people are overwhelmed by fears and even fear of death. (Phobic syndrome is permanent and endemic in our political power)

Injustice is a defect of the soul when man undeservedly becomes covetous. The most striking example is the greed of billionaire oligarchs)

Unfreedom according to our ancestors is a defect of the soul when people prefer obscene profits

Small-mindedness is wickedness of the soul when people do not have the strength to suffer happiness or misery, honors or dishonor.

Folly is to judge things badly, to think wrongly, to associate and to have wrong perceptions. (This mainly applies to Greek political parties and the decisions they make)

Socrates said

1/ Life like the statue must have all its parts beautiful

2/ Just as the statue needs a pedestal, the great man must stand firm in his good will

3/ Offer incense to the gods and praise to men

Democritus spoke of symmetry and order in life without great vicissitudes that bring upheaval to the soul

Isocrates on Education

I do not consider everyone’s knowledge and skills to be education. I consider educated those who skilfully handle everyday reality and have a successful grasp of the situation of the time and those who can balance conflicting interests.

Conclusion: Government and political parties to put the brakes on moral degradation before it’s too late (30/11/24)

* Amphiktyon is Major General Konstantinos Konstantinidis
Author, Member of the Society of Greek Writers
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