Written by Konstantinos Konstantinidis Amphiktyon

First of all, let us say that the Gorgon lived on the islands that belong to America. Therefore, Perseus is the first explorer of America. Perseus surprised the Gorgon and cut off her head. Then the sisters of Medusa rushed against him, but because he was wearing the Cyrene they did not see him. According to another version, Hephaestus gave him the Harp, Hermes gave him the sandals, and Athena gave him the crystal Shield. With it as a mirror, he saw the Gorgon. On his return journey, Perseus transformed Atlas and through Libya he came to Ethiopia. Because the blood of the Gorgon dripped on the road, numerous poisonous beasts were born in those places. There he killed Cetus and, freeing Andromeda, made her his wife. Then he petrified the treacherous Phineas and his followers. From there he traveled to Palestine, where he washed his clothes and his hands, which were still bloody from Cetus, in a spring near Joppa, and because of this, its water became blond. From there, ascending through Cilicia, he also received the Cyclopes from Lycia and, returning to Serifon, he found his mother and Dicteus hidden in the altars of the asylum due to the persecution on behalf of Polydeuces. The latter had a banquet in his kingdom. Appearing before Pollux and the other assembled diners, he showed them the Gorgon. After that, they were all turned to stone. He made Dicteus king and celebrated the funeral struggle of Pollux. Then he handed over the weapons that had been given to him and the head of the Gorgon to the goddess Athena. Then he took Danae, Andromeda and the Cyclopes and came to Argos because of his desire to see his grandfather (Avantas). Because Acrisius, the son of Avantas, was killed childless, he was left to succeed him on the throne. Ashamed to live in Argos because of the death of his grandfather, he begged Megapenthes to take Argos for himself, and he took Tyrintha. Then he built Midea and Mycenae because there the fungus fell his swords (some kind of mushroom-like decoration?) or because there he was thirsty and cut a fungus (mushroom) and from its root water gushed forth. But Homer also mentions a great woman named Mycenae, daughter of Inachus and wife of Arestor. Of course, much is said when it comes to official men and healthy people. He also invented the athletic discus. After this, he fought Dionysus. Finally, he killed Proetos, and for this reason Magapenthes killed him. Perseus was also honored by the Egyptians, saying that he came from there, because Danaus came from Hemmeus, and that Perseus, on his return from Libya, met his relatives and told them to celebrate a naked contest in his honor. In his honor, they built a square temple and his statue. His sandal, two cubits long, was often seen, and then euphoria occurred throughout Egypt. They had built a monument to him between Argos and Mycenae, and a mosque in Athens. But where he was most honored was in Serifos. From Andromeda he begot Perseus while he was still in Ethiopia, and left him there as successor to Cepheus. Perseus then came to Persia and changed the name of what was then called Artaia to Persia, which Artaia was a province of the country of Persia. The inhabitants of Artaia were considered Heroes of Persia because they were ancient natives. From this Dionysus says that this race was descended from kings and was a very noble (i.e. good race) because it held the lineage of Zeus. Then she gave birth in Mycenae to Alcaeus, Sthenelus, Eleon, Mestor, Electryon and Gorgophone, whom Perieres married. . COMMENTARY

1/ I think that the myth of the Gorgon alludes to the overcoming of the fear of exploring America. The Greeks from the most ancient times (45,000 -15,000 BC) developed technology (Shield, Harp) were great tools, and even more so the Cyrene winged sandals, ships, etc., which we are unaware of. At that time, other people were in a primitive state and had just risen

2/ In Libya, Ethiopia and then in Egypt Palestine, Cilicia and Persia where Perseus went, he did not go as an explorer, because there he found Greeks, for example in Ethiopia Andromeda whom he made his wife, in Egypt his relatives were located. Therefore, they were Greek colonies, the same in Palestine, Cilicia and Persia.

 3/ All the peoples of the wider region had a common religion (of Zeus) and a common language, the Pelasgian. It is most likely that they were Greek colonies in the midst of primitive natives

4/ He went to the region of Atlantis (Morocco, Tunisia) as a reformer. The mentioned Cetus may allege a tribal chieftain who held Andromeda in slavery, whom he freed.

 5/ The Cyclopes, the technologists and enlightened ones of that era (Cycle + hole), saw everything

6/ Before he came, however, he made his great journey to the then known world and transferred the civilization and left his name

 7/ Modern pseudologists write that the Olympic Games began in 776 BC while they had been held since the antediluvian era as prehistory testifies

8/ In Serifos, he went with the Gorgon to Pollux and “petrified” him and made Diktios king. She gave the head of the Gorgon to Athena and since then she has carried it on her shield

9/ When we have such a deep history which despite the genocides of the barbarians still holds and yet the “state of Athens” has done nothing so far to protect from the knife of the slaughtering Turk the Greeks and Greek-speaking people of the region, but also the Greeks everywhere in assimilation and extinction

10/ The reference to Phineas in the region of Atlantis shows that the Argonautic expedition took place towards the Atlantic (America) and not the Black Sea, where Phineas supposedly lived. The Black Sea was considered a Greek lake with Greek populations all around it. Therefore, the judgment of archaeologist Henrietta Mertz in her book “The wine dark sea” is correct.

11/ If you visit Central and South America, you will see the symbols of the Gorgon Medusa everywhere, which confirm the presence of Perseus, the first Greek explorer, on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean and the subsequent conduct of trade voyages to transport copper from the American Continent.

12/ No Greek politician has ever dared to mention a historical and prehistoric event (with the exception of the former President of the Parliament, Mr. V. Polydoras) to silence the ahistorical Islamofascist Erdogan, who constantly validates his conquests with the relatively recent invasions of Turko-Mongols from Central Asia, which in their passage massacred the peoples of the Mediterranean. No Greek university has ever awarded a doctorate on prehistoric subjects. Why? (16/1/25)

 * Amphiktyon, Major General (retd) Konstantinos Konstantinidis Author, Member of the Society of Greek Writers

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