Written by Konstantinos Konstantinidis Amphiktyon

The tragedy in Los Angeles, a city with a Greek name and a Greek community, deeply moves us. We Greeks have been repeatedly tested by fires and we share the feelings of the fire victims of Los Angeles. To see the flames devour their lives, their belongings, their nest, their luxurious or shared home. And how will the others who were lucky and did not burn their homes live next to the embers, in the horror of the ash, in the rubble until the area is rebuilt again? But they are lucky to have lived, because now 26 are dead and 13 are missing. Three times the fire front has reached 100m from my house and I know how weak a person is in the face of a fiery storm. The flame rises to the heavens and you fight with a hose to water the surroundings to stop it. In Los Angeles, many were to blame for the spread of the fire These days when Hollywood is burning, I feel sad for two reasons: 1/ Our youth is connected to the films that made us dream of a better world like the one we saw in the city of “Angels”. 2/ We, the children of the Nazi Occupation, owe a piece of our lives to this city because the wealthy Greek diaspora, the late Spyros Skouras and the brothers, then owners of Warner Bros. Studios, raised money with a fundraiser for the Diaspora 82 years ago and sent us food from Turkey on the ship “Kourtoulous”. Regardless of whether the fraudulent and insolvent Turks sent us the worst quality legumes. Therefore, we Greeks have an obligation to the American people who looked after us in the most difficult times, during the Occupation and after the Liberation with the “Marshall Plan” with food, clothing, but also money and parcels from the diaspora. With the exception of the surrender of Cyprus to Attila by the Jew of German origin, Foreign Minister X. Kissinger, but also through our own fault, we only saw good things from the USA. Unfortunately, the communist and leftist propaganda of the time, as well as the German-slave Greek elite, erased all the good that America did for us and demonized it as the evil imperialist. On the contrary, because of the EU, we considered Germany friendly and no government dared to seriously ask for War Reparations 1/Germany owes us: a/ the Occupation Loan, b/ the War Reparations: for 1 million (1,000,000) dead and the devastation of the country c/ the Archaeological Treasures that it stole from the Museums. The total debt today exceeds $ 1 trillion (1,000,000,000) US dollars 2/ He murdered us for 10 years with the Memoranda. We lost 1/3 of the GDP as if we had lost a war, putting the country in debt until 2115. 3/ With the German-inspired “Semitism” (continued) our country was sold out to the Germans (all airports, ports, tourism, etc.) but also to the Turks To limit myself to the recent past, because the German nation has been persecuting us for a long time. Even before we were freed from the Turkish yoke in 1821. Germany has always been hostile to Greece and extremely friendly to Turkey (Metternich, World War I and II, its participation in the Pontic genocide of 1922, their reaction to the annexation of Northern Epirus, the creation of the state of Skopje, etc.) due to common origin and fascist mentality with the Turks. The philhellene movement of German philosophers did not reach the German political class and the military dictatorship. It is no exaggeration to say that Greece is still “German-occupied”. We express our deep feelings of support and solidarity to the residents and the Greek community of Los Angeles and to the friendly American people, who always stand by each other in all struggles and in peace, because we are united by Democracy and common Values. To the families of the victims and the missing, we express our deep sorrow and to the fire victims, we say that time is the best doctor that heals everything. We would owe gratitude to the new Trump Administration if it shook up the rotten political establishment that has governed us since the post-coup and has made us tailgaters in the EU and a quasi-protectorate of Turkey. (13/1/25)

* Amphiktyon Major General (retd) Konstantinos Konstantinidis Author, Member of the Society of Greek Writers

** antidoro means  return the present

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