Written by Konstantinos Konstantinidis of Amphiktyon

The main purpose of the education of our ancestors was the creation of virtuous people. These virtuous citizens created the most perfect civilization in the world (institutions, philosophy, art, letters, medicine, astronomy, technology, sciences, sports, lifestyle, etc.) On the contrary, modern Western societies created abundant wealth, but did not create the virtuous man and are now in crisis and decline. Victor Hugo writes: “poverty creates people, wealth creates monsters” creates arrogant, foolish, disrespectful to the laws and gods, etc. The good and kind man is tied to the past, acts in the present and plans the future. They erased the past for us and brought the WOKE era and the METhuman, ignoring the past and even the present, and they plan to plunge us into an uncertain, unnatural and chaotic future. Especially when our country is facing a mortal danger from the east. How much evil has not only the Left but also the other parties of decadence accumulated in our homeland with their internationalist airs: to erase the past, history, to uproot our ancient roots, to burn the flag and to turn the country into a space. And while the people do not react, the high-ranking officials have resorted to extremes and ridiculousness in order to appear liked by international centers of power. By what right did they change our language and bring it here where the young are unable to come into contact with the works of our ancestors? While my generation is able to understand the ancient texts? They handed over our Cyprus to the Turks and our Macedonia to Skopje without a fight and no one was punished for their terrible national crimes. Today, people are sometimes ashamed and others are afraid to speak the truth publicly. Those who dare are outside the system and are considered “politically incorrect” that is, marginalized Those who dare are harassed by the system (professors, employees, military personnel, etc.). As for journalists, they fall into two categories: 1/ The half-educated who unknowingly misinform public opinion and 2/ those who know the truth who consciously rape it with the motive of profit and their professional advancement. In this way, they blind and deceive the people in exchange for large rewards. The others who dare to tell the truth and work selflessly for information and even with their financial sacrifice remain on the sidelines. Therefore, the bad get rich and are rewarded and the virtuous are punished or remain invisible. They will never exchange Virtue for Wealth and Truth for lies, because Truth is durable, while wealth easily changes hands. The good should be praised and the bad should be criticized. From the good, the Virtues emerge, while from the bad, the Evils. Every day on the small screen, we are bombarded with evil (crimes, robberies, corruption, etc.) as if only bad people live here. Today, the rule is brutally violated and the people of the system are praised (flatterers, party friends and dishonestly enriched) If we take the three-part constitution of the soul according to Plato, namely: (Logical, Emotional and Desirable) the Virtue of: – The Logical is Prudence, – The Emotional is Prudence and Courage – The Desirable is Sobriety and Temperance. The overall Virtue of the soul is Justice, the tendency towards Freedom and Magnanimity. The vices include: Absurdity (most of our politicians belong to it) Irritability (cockfights in Parliament and on the screen) Cowardice (many did not serve their military service) Debauchery (scandals, licentious life, etc.) Intemperance (explosive types, riots – numbers, unstable) Finally, the worst vices of the entire soul are: Injustice, Unfreedom and Small-mindedness. (treason is also included in these) The composition and crown of the Virtues is Justice. It means: to give everyone what they deserve, to respect the customs and traditions of the country, the written laws, to verify your decisions, to honor agreements, etc. Based on the principle of Justice, how many in high positions did not betray and harm the country? Has Justice taken the trouble to check their moral life? This should not be secret because it concerns public opinion. During the election of the President, will the torturous examination of all the Virtues and the Evils and especially Justice take place? For the selection of persons in high positions or for the awarding of awards, it is necessary to check whether the individuals are virtuous or not and NOT to select the evil ones with party criteria. Virtuous citizens form strong states because they possess courage, patriotism, high morals, honesty, strong will and what the people call “philotimo“. Such were Ancient Athens and invincible Sparta in their heyday.  On the contrary, the bad ones dissolve the states with corruption from within.  For example, Athens and Sparta when their citizens became corrupt collapsed and were enslaved by the Romans. Now the West is following in their footsteps in the fall, decline and internal dissolution.

 * Amphiktyon  Konstantinos Konstantinidis

Major General of the Greek Army

 Writer, Member of the Society of Greek Writers

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